Saturday, 17 June 2017

Shit-house blues; pest infesting craft brewing scene

In this blog I've reviewed several quite miserable products, non-beers, and affiliated manufacturers which I call rather shitteries than breweries. Some of these very unfortunate cases exhibiting serious and disgraceful underestimation and disrespect of the consumer on the whole have occurred quite recently.

Fortunately, these shit-houses just can't live long and are doomed to go bust in a short time. Before doing so, however, they'll have time enough to smear the reputation of the good breweries and the trade on the whole, in particular, when it comes comes to the mass of potential consumers. Very unfortunate here is that the damage done remains long after the scoundrels are gone.

Refer also to:

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Linden American Pale Ale

Semihazy beer, 4,7% ABV. Hops used are Magnum for bittering and Mosaic for aroma.

Unlike the two rubbishy non-beers below, this one is a textbook example of an excellent, well-crafted beer in general; staggeringly crisp and fruity ale, absolutely free from off-flavors.

Furthermore, to be concise, Linden APA is one of the best within its style I have run into, for a long time over here. The preservation of the beautiful Mosaic fragrance galore in the bottle is phenomenal. Aftertaste is florally hoppy with a plenty of long-lingering pleasant type of bitterness. Good recipe, good ingredients, culture & good craftsmanship come up with good beer, that's simply the way it is.

Elevating the ABV of this brew to the range of anything between 5,2-5,6% ABV would probably promote this one to the world-class of its style.

Honkavuoren 347 IPA by Panimo Honkavuori

Semiclear, 4,5% ABV, Oh, boy! 

When it comes to decent beer, either lager or ale, in general, the first and foremost requirement in universal concord, obviously is crispness, freshness. Furthermore, ales in particular, are usually more or less fruity due to higher amounts of fermentation aromas alone; aroma hopping is applied to impart the desired quality & quantity of hop-originated fragrance and fruitiness atop...

IPA is supposed to be fresh and amply fruity ale by fermentation alone, furthermore generously hopped, heftily and fragrantly aroma hopped in particular...

347 IPA has absolutely no fruitiness, no freshness, not a trace of hoppiness. Instead, we have got the same horrible stale cardboardy-oxidized stench as had the foregoing "Iloliemi" Pils. It begins to seem as if this were the house flavor of Honkavuori, no matter which beer or which style whatsoever. Futile rubbish & non-beer again, definitely catastrophic failure as an IPA!

The brewery spokesman says in the paper Helsingin Sanomat that their beers are made to be easy to drink. Again, I take the liberty to disagree; yuck!, certainly got the toilet treatment.

Iloliemi, Ilosaarirockin Luomupils by Panimo Honkavuori

Semiclear stuff, 4,5% ABV. Repulsively stale, cardboardy-worty-oxidized aroma. Where the hell is the crispness required of any lager, pale or dark, or even the slightest hop character, the quintessence of any beer daring to call itself a Pils(-ner)!?

The label proclaims this liquid to be strongly hopped, furthermore, to have been brewed by able hands! I, however, take the liberty to disagree, strongly, on both points.

I'm sad to say this, but "Iloliemi" lacks all the attributes of decent beer, either lager or ale on the whole, Pils(-ner) let alone as a style!!! The sole positive thing I'm able to find here is that this produce is, unlike many others turned out by the ongoing craft brewing boom in our backwoods, quite obviously free from microbial contamination!

Futile rubbish on the whole, a typical non-beer extruded upon us, consumers, in increasing amounts by the ongoing boom of craft shitteries. Certainly got the toilet treatment.